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The Advanced BCX Ultra Deluxe Radio Plasma Device
Rife Machine Technology for the 21st century -
Shift your Frequency - Transform your Life.
BCX: Healing With Frequencies | Ep 1 Penny Kelly and
Judy Erwin from BioElectrics for Health, Judy joins Penny to discuss healing with frequencies & the BCX .


The many exciting wave forms for experimenting with your BCX Ultra Rife machine.

Different Waveforms are created with equal Peak to Peak values (lowest point to the highest point).
However, equal Peak to Peak values does not translate to equal power delivered. Different waveforms (with equal Peak to Peak values) deliver different amounts of power.
This table shows the relative power of different waveforms.
In other words, at equal intensity settings, a Squarewave will deliver 3 times more power than a Triangle Wave. Or, using a Squarewave with the intensity setting at 33% delivers the same amount of power as using a Triangle wave with the intensity set at 100%.
The Ultra:
The Ultra (BCX Ultra) is capable of generating 3 simultanous “Arbitrary” waveforms. Arbitrary waveforms are computer generated and are not restricted to electronic signals, such as Sine and Squarewave. Because the waveforms are arbitrary, any combination of Harmonics in any ratio and phase is possible. Any Arbitrary waveform can be used for each of the 3 Ultra waveforms.
“Gate” or “Pulse” is the terms used for the first Ultra waveform. These terms areused because they are common to this industry, but the Ultra has much greater capability in this area, and the correct term should be “Modulate”. Modulating the waveform increases and decreases the intensity of the Output following the pattern of the selected Arbitrary waveform. Common Gating or Pulsing cannot do this- it can only turn the signal on and off.
For a Gate or Pulse waveform to adequately pass the harmonics of the Output, the Gate or Pulse frequency should be lower than the rest of the waveform frequencies.
Programming a “Duty Cycle” will insert an Off time in between each Modulated waveform and will correspondingly alter the frequency of the waveform.
Example: A frequency of 1 Hz. is selected, which is 1 change per second. A duty cycle of 50% is selected. One complete waveform will take place in ½ second, after which the output will be blanked for ½ second. The process will then repeat.
Selecting a Duty Cycle of 100% prevents any Modulation of the output, leaving it on full the entire time.
“Carrier” is the term for the second Ultra waveform, and following conventional electronics, it “carries” a lower frequency within it. As such, in order to work properly, a Carrier frequency should be higher than the remaining waveform frequency.
“Frequency” is the term for the last Ultra waveform and is “carried” by the Carrier. Sequences are generally composed of a program of “Frequencies” one after another, each with the same “Gate” or “Pulse”, and “Carrier” (which is optional).
“Pulsewidth”: In addition to the waveforms described, there is an additional Arbitrary waveform that operates differently. It is called “Pulsewidth”. Pulsewidth varies the On to Off ratio in a sweeping pattern as the program runs.
Example: A frequency of 1 Hz is selected, which is 1 change each second. The Output is turned on for 1/100’th of a second, and then turned off for 99/100’ths of a second.
Next, it is turned on for 2/100’ths of a second, and then off for 98/100’ths of a second.
This continues until it is on 99/100’ths of a second, after which the sweep starts again.
Electrodes are “differential”. Each operates at a different polarity than the other, and they change polarities with frequency- when one is +, the other is -. All 3 waveforms can be applied to Electrodes.
Raytubes also have polarity, but the Carrier is fixed at 45 kHz. Any Carrier frequencies entered in the Ultra when using Raytubes only apply to Electrodes.
LED Wand has no polarity, and all 3 waveforms can be applied to it.